Un poco de ayuda para estudiantes de español - Just a little help for students of Spanish language
lunes, 6 de abril de 2015
miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015
Saber y Conocer
conocer: conozco, conoces, conoce, conocemos, conocéis, conocen
saber: sé, sabes, sabe, sabemos, sabéis saben
Conocer indicates familiarity or recognition and is mostly used for people and places:
Saber means to be aware of facts or information, to know things by heart, and also to "know how to":
Two useful rules:
1. One cannot saber people. 2. The verb conocer cannot be immediately followed by que. Conozco a esa mujer. Sé que vive en Nueva York. I know that woman. I know she lives in New York. |
Escriba la forma adecuada de saber o conocer | Write the needed form of saber or conocer |
Score / Puntaje: 0% |
1. Carmen tocar el piano y a muchos músicos. |
2. Vamos a Cancún algún día, ni tú ni yo cuándo. |
3. ¿Vosotros bien al doctor Vélez? |
4. Nadie por qué somos así. |
5. Yo sí a varios senadores. |
6. La enfermera qué hacer en estos casos. |
7. Yo no la respuesta. ¿La tú?. |
8. Los perros encontrar cualquier cosa por el olor. ***Source*** |
martes, 31 de marzo de 2015
lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015
miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015
Review Chapter 4
General Review
Answer the following questions about yourself and your friends. Use complete sentences.
Partial Exam 2
Yo duermo
Tú duermes
Él/Ella/Usted duerme
Nosotros dormimos
Vosotros dormís
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes duermen
Yo almuerzo
Tú almuerzas
Él/Ella/Usted almuerza
Nosotros almorzamos
Vosotros almorzáis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes almuerzan
Yo tengo
Tú tienes
Él/Ella/Usted tiene
Nosotros tenemos
Vosotros tenéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes tienen
Yo estoy
Tú estás
Él/Ella/Usted está
Nosotros estamos
Vosotros estáis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes están
Yo empiezo
Tú empiezas
Él/Ella/Usted empieza
Nosotros empezamos
Vosotros empezáis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes empiezan
Yo entiendo
Tú entiendes
Él/Ella/Usted entiende
Nosotros entendemos
Vosotros entendéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes entienden
Yo quiero
Tú quieres
Él/Ella/Usted quiere
Nosotros queremos
Vosotros queréis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes quieren
A mí me gusta (n)
A ti te gusta(n)
A él/ella/usted le gusta(n)
A nosotros nos gusta (n)
A vosotros os gusta(n)
A ellos/ellas/ustedes les gusta(n)
Yo duermo
Tú duermes
Él/Ella/Usted duerme
Nosotros dormimos
Vosotros dormís
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes duermen
Yo almuerzo
Tú almuerzas
Él/Ella/Usted almuerza
Nosotros almorzamos
Vosotros almorzáis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes almuerzan
Yo tengo
Tú tienes
Él/Ella/Usted tiene
Nosotros tenemos
Vosotros tenéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes tienen
Yo estoy
Tú estás
Él/Ella/Usted está
Nosotros estamos
Vosotros estáis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes están
Yo empiezo
Tú empiezas
Él/Ella/Usted empieza
Nosotros empezamos
Vosotros empezáis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes empiezan
Yo entiendo
Tú entiendes
Él/Ella/Usted entiende
Nosotros entendemos
Vosotros entendéis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes entienden
Yo quiero
Tú quieres
Él/Ella/Usted quiere
Nosotros queremos
Vosotros queréis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes quieren
A mí me gusta (n)
A ti te gusta(n)
A él/ella/usted le gusta(n)
A nosotros nos gusta (n)
A vosotros os gusta(n)
A ellos/ellas/ustedes les gusta(n)
martes, 24 de marzo de 2015
Ricky Martin - Disparo al corazón -
Aquí va mi confesión
Antes de ti no fui un ___________
He pecado como no
Pero eso es _________ del pasado
Desde que llegaste ______
Lanzaste al aire la _____________
Fuera _________ o fuera ___________
Ganabas como quieras
Conocerte fue un disparo al corazón
Me atacaste con un beso a sangre fría
Y yo sabía
Que era tan letal la ________ que causó
Que este loco aventurero se moría
Y ese ________ comenzó
Tanto amor con un disparo al corazón
Cuántas _______ de pasión
Cuántas _______ tan vacías
Un error tras otro error
En estas sabanas tan ________
Desde que llegaste tú
Lanzaste al aire la _________
Fuera ________ o fuera __________
Ganabas como quieras
Conocerte fue un disparo al corazón
Me atacaste con un beso a sangre fría
Y yo sabía
Que era tan letal la ___________ que causó
Que este loco aventurero se moría
Y ese ________ comenzó
Tanto amor con un disparo al corazón
No entendí cómo pasó
Con la destreza
De un buen _____________
Cada una de tus balas
En el _________ me pegó
Conocerte fue un disparo al corazón
Me atacaste con un beso a sangre fría
Y yo sabía
Que era tan letal la _________ que causó
Que este loco aventurero se moría
Y ese _______ comenzó
Con tu amor con un disparo al corazón
lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015
domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015
Qué, quién, cómo, cuántos, cuánto, de dónde, cuándo, dónde, cuál, por qué,
1. ¿ es ese chico? Es mi amigo Alejandro.
2. ¿ vive? Alex vive en las afueras de la ciudad con sus padres.
3. ¿ años tiene? Tiene 23 años.
4. ¿ es la profesión de Alejandro? Es estudiante.
5. ¿De son? Son de Uruguay.
6. ¿ se llaman sus padres? Eduardo y Rosa.
7. ¿ no viven en Uruguay? Porque el padre es diplomático y actualmente trabaja aquí.
8. ¿ viajarán a Uruguay? Creo que piensan viajar en enero.
9. ¿ cuesta un billete de avión para Uruguay? No sé, entre 600 y 800 euros.
10. ¿ más quieres saber sobre Alejandro? Nada más. ¡Qué bueno pareces policía!
miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015
martes, 17 de marzo de 2015
lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015
You have to write some information about your favorite restaurant:
- Dónde está el restaurante: (por ejemplo: “El restaurante
se llama 100 montaditos y está en
South Beach…”)
- Descripción del restaurante: (por ejemplo “Es un
restaurante español y barato, hay fotos de lugares de España en las paredes…”)
- Nombres de verduras,
frutas, carnes, pescado, legumbres y bebidas que sirven en el restaurante (por
ejemplo: “100 Montaditos tiene comida española, tapas y sangría…)
- Qué te gusta comer en el restaurante, qué platos sueles
pedir y cuáles son tus preferidos (por ejemplo: “me gusta la tabla de quesos y
embutidos pero mi preferido es el montadito de tortilla de patata…”)
- Precios en LETRAS (por ejemplo, “veintitrés
Mi restaurante favorito
Mi restaurante favorito: El Grillo Azul
Mi restaurante favorito es un vegetariano que está justo a la vuelta de mi oficina. Es un restaurante pequeño, decorado en verde y amarillo. Tiene pequeñas habitaciones con dos o tres mesas en cada una, mesas redondas para cuatro o cinco personas y mesas cuadradas para dos o tres personas.
Su atmósfera es agradable e intima, las sillas son muy cómodas, es espacioso sin ser demasiado grande, los restaurantes grandes resultan impersonales como campos de fútbol, no es demasiado sofisticado, más bien al contrario es bastante hogareña y ese es el secreto para hacerte sentir “como en casa” cuando comes o cenas allí.
En cuanto a la comida, todo lo que preparan es riquísimo. Me gustan las croquetas de espinacas, las albóndigas de garbanzos, el arroz con pimiento rojo y verde y siempre pido los espagueti con salsa de tomate o lasaña vegetariana.
También te ofrecen todo tipo de helados para postre, helado de setas, helado de guisantes o helado de tomate son su especialidad, por supuesto también puedes tomar helados típicos de plátano, kiwi, fresa, naranja, uvas o melón.
Solo tiene un pequeño inconveniente y es que esta siempre lleno y tienes que reservarlo con mucha antelación, la mayor parte de las veces uno o dos días antes.
My Favourite Restaurant: The Blue Cricket.
My favourite restaurant is a vegetarian one that is just round the corner from my office. It’s a small restaurant, decorated in green and yellow. It has smalls rooms with two or three tables in each room, round tables for four or five people and square tables for two or three people.
Its atmosphere is warm and intimate, its chairs are comfortable, it’s spacious but not too big. Big restaurants are usually impersonal like stadiums, it’s not too sophisticated, on the contrary it’s quite down-to-earth and I think that is the secret to make you feel “at home” when you have lunch or dinner there.
And talking about the food, everything they prepare is delicious. I like its spinach croquettes, its chickpea balls and I always eat the spaghetti with tomato sauce or veg lasagne that are unique.
They also offer you all kinds of ice-cream for dessert, mushroom ice-cream, peas ice-cream or tomato ice-cream apart form the typical banana, kiwi, strawberry, orange, grape or water-melon ice-creams.
There is only a small “but” and it’s that it’s always full and you have to book in advance, most of the times or two days before you plan to go.
viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015
jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015
miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015
Canción: "Me gustas tú"
martes, 3 de marzo de 2015
Ciudad de la semana: IBIZA
Ibiza is located in the Mediterranean Sea, to the east of the Spanish Peninsula, and is one of the Balearic Islands. Ibiza, which covers 572 km2, is a whole world in miniature and stretches from the coast inland. Ibiza -with its smooth relief- along with Formentera, make up the so-called Pitiusas islands. The Greeks referred to them as the islands of the pines, Ibiza itself being the larger of the two.
While it is one-sixth the size of nearby Majorca, Ibiza is over five times the size of Mykonos (Greece), or ten times the size of Manhattan Island. Ibiza has become famous for the association with nightlife and the electronic music that originated on the island. It is well known for its summer club scene which attracts very large numbers of tourists, though the island's government and the Spanish Tourist Office have controversially been working to promote more family-oriented tourism.
Ibiza is the home of the noted port in Ibiza Town, a popular stop for many tourists and now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Ibiza and the nearby island of Formentera to its south are called the Pine Islands, or "Pityuses".
Eivissenc is the native dialect of Catalan that is spoken on Ibiza and nearby Formentera. Catalan shares co-official status with Spanish. Additionally, because of the influence of tourism and expatriates living in or maintaining residences on the island, other languages like German, English and Italian, are widely spoken. Polylinguality is the norm, not the exception.
Ibiza is considered to be a popular tourist destination, especially due to its legendary and at times riotous nightlife centred on two areas: Ibiza Town, the island's capital on the southern shore and Sant Antoni to the West. Well-known nightclubs are Privilege, Amnesia, Space, Pacha, Es Paradís and DC10. During the summer, the top producers and DJs in dance come to the island and play at the various clubs, in between touring to other international destinations. Some of the most famous DJs run their own weekly nights around the island. Many of these DJs use Ibiza as an outlet for presenting new songs within the house, trance and techno genres of electronic dance music. The city has achieved renown worldwide fame as a cultural center for house and trance in particular, with its name often being used as a partial metonym for the particular flavor of electronic music originating there, much like Goa in India.
Since 2005, the live music event Ibiza Rocks has helped to redefine the Ibiza party landscape. Bands such as Arctic Monkeys, Kasabian, The Prodigy, and the Kaiser Chiefs have played in the courtyard of the Ibiza Rocks Hotel. Elsewhere on the island, underground music parties are common and enjoyed by the many international musicians, artists, and travelers that are drawn to the unique creative environment of Ibiza.
The season traditionally begins at the start of June with Space and DC10's opening parties and finishes on the first weekend of October with the Closing Parties. A typical schedule for clubbers going to Ibiza includes waking at noon, early evening naps, late night clubbing, and "disco sunrises." Due to Ibiza's notable tolerance toward misbehaviour from young adult tourists, it has acquired the sobriquet "Gomorrah of the Med." Also well-known is Café del Mar, a long-standing bar where many tourists traditionally view the sunset made famous by José Padilla, who has released more than a dozen eponymous album compilations of ambient music played at the location. That and other bars nearby have become an increasingly popular venue for club pre-parties after sunset, hosting popular DJ performers.
The island's government is trying to encourage a more cultured and quieter tourism scene, passing rules including the closing of all nightclubs by 6 a.m. at the latest, and requiring all new hotels to be 5-star. The administration wants to attract a more international mixture of tourists.
Though primarily known for its party scene, large portions of the island are registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and thus protected from the development and commercialization of the main cities. A notable example includes "God's Finger" in the Benirràs Bay as well as some of the more traditional Ibizan cultural sites such as the remains of the first Phoenicians settlement at Sa Caleta. Other sites are still under threat from the developers, such as Ses Feixes Wetlands, but this site has now been recognised as a threatened environment, and it is expected that steps will be taken to preserve this wetland.
Because of its rustic beauty, companies and artists alike frequently use the island for photographic and film shoots. A monument ("The Egg") erected in honour of Christopher Columbus can be found in Sant Antoni; Ibiza is one of several places purporting to be his birthplace.
lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015
domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015
sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015
Review Chapter 3
1 ¿Cuántos años tienes?
2. ¿Cómo es tu padre? ¿Y tú madre?
3. ¿Cómo son tus amigos/as?
4. ¿Cómo están tus amigos/as?
5. ¿Están tú y tus amigos preocupados por sus notas? ¿En qué materias (subjects)?
6. ¿Qué días tienen ustedes clases?
7. ¿Cómo son tus clases?
2. ¿Cómo es tu padre? ¿Y tú madre?
3. ¿Cómo son tus amigos/as?
4. ¿Cómo están tus amigos/as?
5. ¿Están tú y tus amigos preocupados por sus notas? ¿En qué materias (subjects)?
6. ¿Qué días tienen ustedes clases?
7. ¿Cómo son tus clases?
viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015
A. Choose the correct form of ser or estar.
1. Andrea en la universidad.
2. Mi marido enfermo.
3. Ella tiene razón. Yo de acuerdo con ella.
4. las tres.
5. Él de México.
6. La pluma de plástico.
7. La pluma de Arturo.
8. importante practicar cada día.
9. La reunión en el café.
10. La clase no es interesante. aburrida.
jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015
miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015
Poner en los espacios ser, estar , tener o hay en la persona o número que corresponda.
1. María entre amigos.
2. En esta clase 20 sillas y 4 mesas.
3. ÉL un coche deportivo.
4. Paraguay en América del Sur.
5. En esta universidad muchos estudiantes extranjeros.
6. Vosotras inteligentes.
7. Julia enferma.
8. La actriz muy guapa.
9. Ellas muy guapas.
10. Mi abuelo 79 años.
11. En este jardín muchas flores bonitas.
12. Yo de Costa Rica. Y tú? - yo también, pero ahora en París.
13. Mi casa pequeña, pero un jardín muy grande.
14. En esa esquina un restaurante bueno.
15. Esta semana (yo) que trabajar más.
1. María entre amigos.
2. En esta clase 20 sillas y 4 mesas.
3. ÉL un coche deportivo.
4. Paraguay en América del Sur.
5. En esta universidad muchos estudiantes extranjeros.
6. Vosotras inteligentes.
7. Julia enferma.
8. La actriz muy guapa.
9. Ellas muy guapas.
10. Mi abuelo 79 años.
11. En este jardín muchas flores bonitas.
12. Yo de Costa Rica. Y tú? - yo también, pero ahora en París.
13. Mi casa pequeña, pero un jardín muy grande.
14. En esa esquina un restaurante bueno.
15. Esta semana (yo) que trabajar más.
martes, 24 de febrero de 2015
lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015
domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015
sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015
Ciudad de la semana: SEVILLA
Seville is the capital and largest city of the autonomous community of Andalusia and the province of Seville, Spain. It is situated on the plain of the River Guadalquivir. The inhabitants of the city are known as sevillanos (feminine form: sevillanas) or hispalenses, after the Roman name of the city, Hispalis. Seville has a municipal population of about 703,000 as of 2011, and a metropolitan population of about 1.5 million, making it the fourth-largest city in Spain and the 30th most populous municipality in the European Union.
Its Old Town, the third largest in Europe with an area of 4 square kilometres (2 sq mi), contains three UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Alcázar palace complex, the Cathedral and the General Archive of the Indies. The Seville harbour, located about 80 kilometres (50 miles) from the Atlantic Ocean, is the only river port in Spain. Seville is also the hottest major metropolitan area in Europe, with summer average high temperatures of above 35 °C.
Many different cultures have been present in the history of Seville. Their legacy over six centuries has shaped the cultural, architectural and artistic heritage that we can admire in Seville’s streets and museums.
Its dark origins have given rise to legends that credit Hercules with the founding of Seville. To come closer to the ancient history of Seville, we must go to the Museo Arqueológico (Archaeology Museum), located in an old pavilion of the 1929 Ibero-American Exposition, a building worth visiting in its own right. There we will find relics from peoples from the other side of the Mediterranean, representations of their faraway gods, and the Treasure of El Carambolo, which shows the Eastern influence assimilated by those first sevillanos.
Ruinas romanas de Itálica
The area surrounding Seville (Alcalá del Río) was the scene of the final battle between the Romans and the Carthaginians (206 BC) and the site of the founding of the first Roman colony: Itálica, as it was named in honor of its founders. Julius Caesar (45 BC) made the sevillanos full-fledged Roman citizens, calling the city Julia Romula Hispalis. Although Seville had large and luxurious temples, circuses, and amphitheatres, everything had disappeared, according to Rodrigo Caro when he wrote in the 17th century. Yet another reason to visit the Museo Arqueológico, where the Roman period is wonderfully represented by findings from Itálica.
Reales Alcázares de Sevilla
The figures on the city’s coat of arms, San Leandro and San Isidoro, who flank the conquering king on both sides, invoke the Visigothic period overshadowed by the splendor of the Arab-controlled Seville that would immediately follow (712 AD).
It was in the Almohad period (mid-12th century) when Isbiliya reached its height. The Mezquita Mayor was built, and its minaret is the symbol of the city, which became known as Giralda when a weathervane was placed on top of the tower during the Renaissance.
The city became part of the Kingdom of Castile when it was conquered by King Santo Fernando in 1248. The city saw its mosques transformed into places of the Christian religion, and the same thing happened to the Large Mosque. But a century and a half later, the ruined state of the mosque made the Ecclesiastic Council make the decision to tear it down and build in its place the Cathedral, the unrivaled symbol of Christian Seville. We must remember from the Medieval era King D. Pedro, built Palacio Mudéjar in the walled area of the old Muslim Alcázar (14th century).
Detalle de la Plaza de España.
It was in the 16th century when Seville, following the discovery of the America, became the Puerto de Indias, which monopolized commerce with the New World. The Casa de la Contratación was headquartered in the Alcazares, and the merchanted order the Casa Lonja to be built, which centuries later would become the Archivo de Indias.
Many palace-houses were built, as was an important building, the Hospital de las Cinco Llagas, now the Andalusian Parliament.
Fachada del Parlamento de Andalucía
The 17th century brought universally known artistic figures, even though in economic terms, there was an unfortunate progressive shift of commerce with the Americas to Cádiz. The Hermandades de Pasión (Holy Week groups) that took their images out into the streets in an unorganised way were regulated, creating the official pathway for Holy Week marches, a mandatory schedule that determined where each group had to march in an order determined by seniority. This was the beginning of Holy Week, which, together with deep religiosity, gave rise to figures like Montañés, Murillo ,Zurbarán, and Valdés Leal, whose works we can find in the Museo de Bellas Artes (Fine Arts Mueseum) and scattered throughout different parishes. Important religious buildings were constructed: the Iglesia de la Caridad, el Salvador, and the impressive San Luis de los Franceses. Leandro de Figueroa, the quintessential figure of the Baroque in Seville, is present in all these works.
The 18th century saw the construction of a new tobacco factory, an industrial building that made Carmen la Cigarrera famous worldwide. Another site of this same work, the Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza, also began to be built, but it would not be finished until the following century.
The Romanticism of the 19th century made Seville an exotic destination for travel pioneers. Some were good drawers and left the city notes in which the fortified wall, which ended up being torn down to make communication between both sides easier, was still intact.
There are two examples of cast-iron architecture in Seville: one is the first bridge over the River Guadalquivir, the Triana bridge, which was based on the Carrousel Bridge in Paris; the other is the Naves del Barranco.
The 20th century began with the excitement of preparing for an exposition that was delayed for different reasons, finally coming together in 1929. The Ibero-American Exposition left us with Plaza de España, Plaza de América, and the pavillions of the participating countries, which evoke their indigenous pre-Columbian cultures. The century ended with another exposition, the Expo 92, which commemorated the Quincentennial of the Discovery of America and which, from an urban planning point of view, brought about not only the incorporation of Isla de la Cartuja but also the elimination of two old train stations that were a large obstacle to the city’s internal railways, the construction of Santa Justa, the high-speed train, the ring roads, etc.
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